Monday, May 9, 2016


Hello everyone!

So this transfer has come to an end. Elder Quinn was sent off to the office at 6 this morning.  He returns home tomorrow.  Now it's just Elder Williams and me here in Nimes. So this was an interesting transfer due to the fact that half of it was in two different villes. I have come  to love Nimes and I am excited to stay here. I found that my MTC Companion Elder Tomlinson will be replacing me in Montauban. I love Montauban and the people there.
As for the week we had a nice easy P-day. We went around and looked at stores and did what Elder Quinn wanted to do. Since all the stores are closed for a few hours at noon, we had a lot of walking around time. We went to a music store, and I played some really nice guitars. Too expensive, so didn't even think about buying one. I just wanted to see how nice a $1,530 guitar sounds. We went to the church and we did our emails. After that we did some contacting, and we contacted a lady from Canada. We talked about her dog for a few minutes and then we started talking about what we did as missionaries. She said that she had some problems in her past, and she believes that there is a greater force outside this world, and we tried to tell her that it was God. We gave her a card and invited her to learn more. 

The day after, we had some rendezvous’ set up, but they all fell through. We ended up just contacting all day... It was hot, and we were really tired at 3:00... It was going to be a long day. We went to the bishop’s house that evening and that was great. We talked about the wife's mission and she gave Elder Quinn some advice on how to enter the real world again. 

We shared the message about Peter healing the man at the temple, and then we invited the family to search for friends to share the gospel with. 

The next day we had another day full of contacting! :) We did have the chance to do some service. We helped a man who we contacted a while ago move into a new apartment. We helped put stuff into the van that he brought, and then we walked across town to meet him at his new apartment, and we carried up everything. The stairs were steep and we almost slipped a few times... I guess the time in the moving team didn't really help me.

We gave him a Book of Mormon, and he said that we would read it! So hopefully we can connect sometime. He was really grateful that we would help him for free with moving! We were glad to help. 

The next day we went to Montpellier for district meeting. We talked about how we need to finish with the end in mind. Also we discussed how we can have our conversations be more meaningful in the sense that when we talk to people, we try to get them to want to see us again. 

Elder Spence, the DL, made some really good duck with sauce. It was a pretty classy lunch after! 

We took the train back to Nimes, and we went contacting. While contacting we heard some say "Hey Elders!" And we looked over and we saw the Perez family from Montauban! We all met up and we talked for a while. It was great to see the family because I never got to say goodbye to them.  We took a picture together and it was great to have the chance to say goodbye. 

The next day was transfer calls! Elder Quinn was going home, and Williams and I are staying. As for the work, we went to the edge of town and tried to pass a less active. We walked to the other side of town, and they weren't home. After that we went to another less actives house. She let us in and we talked about why she hasn't been able to come to church. She hasn't been able due to work. We shared a scripture in Alma and we talked about faith. She was really happy to have us over. She told us to come over the next day. 

The next day we went to a member’s apartment to help him carry groceries up to his room. He was kind enough to take us back home. We ate our lunch and then went to the church to teach a guy we called this week. We taught this man, his name is Ricard, and he has Spanish heritage. We taught him the Restoration and he took it well. He has Catholic background and was very kind.

After teaching Ricard, we went back home and did weekly planning while Elder Quinn packed. After Planning we went to the less active that told us to come back. When we went there we shared a video about the temple. It was a video that showed all the temples with a girl singing in the back ground in French. 

The less active has been to the temple and we were able to re-spark her desire to go. So we will try to work with her to make her able to go the next time the ward goes. We left her, and then we went and got some tacos. It would be Elder Quinn's last taco.... :/ 

We then went home and he packed some more.

On Sunday, Ricard came and it was great! Elder Quinn gave his testimony in front of the ward. After sacrament meeting, we taught Ricard with one of the members. We taught the Plan of Salvation. It was all new for Ricard, but he took it in. He said that we could teach him again on Friday, so I guess he likes it? I hope so! 

After church we went back home to eat, then to the church again to put pictures onto Elder Quinn's USB. We went to the really nice park in Nimes and we got some final pictures for Elder Quinn. We went to a pond and did some funny poses. 

We then went over to a member’s home to Skype our families! It was great to see my family, but weird at the same time knowing that this is my last skype... So yea, I feel weird about that. I love my mission and it is going by quickly. 

After skype we went and tried to get one last conversation for Elder Quinn. It was raining, and no one was in the streets, so we didn't manage to get a conversation for Elder Quinn. 

This morning we woke up at 5 am to drop him off at the Gare! It's sad, but it's happy to see him go. He has done his time, and its time for him to go home. 

Well, that's our week, and the end of the transfer! I love you all, and I hope that you all have a great week! 

Love, Elder Race Acheson! 

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